By offering a precision CNC equipment finance solution, opportunities that had been closed or set aside by either circumstances or reduced funding lines have been reactivated. We can offer a finance solution in twenty eight countries, helping you close sales across Europe.
Now more than ever, payment options really matter. CFO’s are finding that their Capex is reducing or under severe pressure. If a finance option is not offered, your quote will simply go to the bottom of the pile.
You are offering your customer accurate, precision, CNC equipment, or tool and grinding equipment. Not to offer that same customer a bespoke finance option puts your on the back foot
Most of our leasing requests have one thing in common, due to the nature of either the equipment or location, they are individually negotiated contracts, nothing “off the peg” here, just a “bespoke tailor-made” contract to best suit your customer, his location and needs and your equipment.
Whatever your CNC equipment, be it multi axis grinders, peel grinders, tool and cutting grinders and CNC laser tools, we understand both your needs and your customers.