Category: In the news

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If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck !
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck !

The very fact that the phrase ” credit crunch ” has almost disappeared from the news, does not mean in fact that the crunch has lost its bite. If anything,…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
Basel 3, the rest 0
Basel 3, the rest 0

The implementation of Basel 3 will commence on the 1st of January 2013. This auspicious start could well pass most of the population by without a care or a thought….

In the news
Singing from the same song sheet?
Singing from the same song sheet?

I think that we ought to appoint Gareth Malone as the new head of the IMF, ECB, and any other major financial institution. I know that may sound a bit…

In the news
Lending Drought Continues?
Lending Drought Continues?

I think that we are all aware the the UK economy is just bumping along, and one of the main causes of this is the current lending drought. In a…

In the news
European Leasing is a departmental store, discuss!
European Leasing is a departmental store, discuss!

After spending most of last and this week in different parts of Europe, I have come to the conclusion that the world of European equipment leasing is no different from…

In the news
Super Mario hits the jackpot?
Super Mario hits the jackpot?

Last week, Mario Draghi rolled the dice and held his breath. He received the news that he had hoped for on Wednesday. The Dutch elections went the way of  pro…

In the news
Last throw of the Dice?
Last throw of the Dice?

Mario Draghi has at long last thrown his dice onto the table of the European finance. Now we wait to see what number will it show when it  comes to…

In the news
Banks still not lending!
Banks still not lending!

According to a report out this morning, lending to consumers and businesses by banks has fallen to the lowest level in almost six years. Nothing in that report that we…

In the news
Greece, tragedy or a marathon!
Greece, tragedy or a marathon!

It has been quiet for the holiday period, so now all the politicians are back, it must be time for a summit or a crucial meeting.  The subject matter for…

In the news