How does Oak Leasing work?



We all use comparison websites, either for car or home insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance, and now for utilities, electric , gas, telephone and broadband., the list goes on and on. Most of those companies will use different insurance or utility providers to best match what you have requested, at hopefully a lower price than what you currently pay.

They, like us, will earn a commission for handling your request. 


So why use an equipment leasing broker?


In two words, our knowledge.

Almost 30 years  of equipment leasing experience tells us which lenders are best suited to service your request.

Why use equipment leasing, Oak Leasing, the equipment leasing specialists

Some funders might turn down your request, but others might well say yes. We will help you to get  the answer that you deserve.  

Some funders will only lease something with a wheel at each corner, some only yellow plant, some will like software, others won’t.  Every funder enjoys a different view on equipment, and type of business. Certain funders will prefer some  industries more than others,  for example many funders have pulled out of the hospitality sector, not a surprise there, but we know where we can fund even these, and better still they would consider brand new starts!

In a phrase, it is simply horses for courses!

So really, what you are getting  is access to our 30 years’ experience and knowledge.


Your next question might be, what will Oak Leasing earn?


The leasing rate depends on many factors, what equipment, length of time in business, type of business, credit rating , which country, etc. If an eighteen year old wants to insure a Porsche, you would expect his premium will be higher than an experienced driver of over 20 years with a clean licence. The same basic rule applies  in equipment leasing.

We could waffle on about this, however what we can say is that our commission is included in the quotations that we offer to you, and covers the service that we give to you, and further, we believe we have the lowest rates in the UK on any website asset finance calculator This is reflected in our case studies, which shows how and who Oak has helped over the last 30 years. 

Straight talking equipment leasing, Oak Leasing

Oak never has, and never will charge any separate fees to any of our customers.

That alone should give you a level of confidence. No customers would dream of asking a major comparisons site what their margins are, but you all are aware of their buying purchasing power .

Think of Oak in a similar way.  You will enjoy amongst the lowest lease rates available from our portfolio of funders. As thousands of  other companies that have used Oak have discovered, we have funded  many millions of pounds of business.

We like to think we are different, we are equipment leasing specialists and known to be jargon free and straight talking.

If you want a chat you can book a video call, just click here and share a coffee with us.