Category: Finance

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The leading European equipment leasing Blog
Our customers are too big for leasing!!

Our customers are too big for leasing, they are a large PLC! How often have we heard that line over the last 30- 40 years? Or we only deal with…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
The leading European equipment leasing Blog
The Pantomime Season

Here we all are as we approach the end of a very rollercoaster year.  I think that the pantomime season started quite early this year, my reckoning was before the Summer,…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
The leading European equipment leasing Blog
I know nothing!

Here we are again, as Laurel and Hardy would say, “That’s another fine mess you got me into” or even going further to Victor Meldrews’ catch phrase, ” I don’t…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
The leading European equipment leasing Blog
Leasing is the new coffee!!

Leasing and coffee are very similar in many ways. Both are very popular, both have a slight mystique, but they are more alike than you would think! I was always…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
Nothing New Here !!

 I don’t suppose many of us had ever heard of the Nebra Sky Disk. It is not linked to any broadcast channel, or broadband provider, others may be available!! The…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
The equipment lease blog, Oak Leasing
Business as Usual!

  The talking is over, the result is known, so the UK  has decided to leave the EU. Whilst I consider this a wrong move, I would say it just…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
To boldly go where no one has gone… before, well only Greenland!

The words of Captain James T Kirk came to mind when thinking about the possibility of a Brexit; “To boldly go where no one has gone before” well not strictly…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
Oliver makes his choice!

This year will be a very decisive year for all businesses.The year has hardly started with a bang, more like a gentle pop really. To carry the metaphor a stage…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing
Mind the Gap!

As any traveller on the underground will recognise, this phrase is heard quite often on the Tube. If you read most of the papers, and listen to the news, you…

European Leasing, Finance, In the news, Leasing